Centering Prayer Groups
Our Centering Prayer groups are meeting in-person, by Zoom, or a hybrid of both.
In-person attendees are required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
Masks and social-distancing are recommended.
Contact the facilitator to find out details and to get Zoom links.
12:00 noon - Our Lady of the Assumption Robin Hickey and Joanna Brunson (Zoom only)
5:00 pm - Grace Episcopal Karen Murphy
12:00 noon - Maggie Winfrey (Zoom only)
4:30 pm - Alpharetta Presbyterian Debbie Engler-Key
5:30 pm - St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Newnan Nicole Walters (In person)
6:15 pm - St. Bartholomew's Atlanta Bill Gould
7:30 pm - Maggie Winfrey (Zoom only)
9:30 am - Transfiguration Rena Cresman (Zoom & in person)
10:00 am - Jasper, GA Claudia Campbell (In person)
3:00 pm - Cherry Log Cindy Avens & Dick Zelley
3:00 pm - Church of the Redeemer, Atlanta Rev. Bill Combs
4:00 pm - St. Peter’s Episcopal, Rome Jane Cunningham
4:00 pm - St. James Episcopal, Marietta Billie Shook
6:30 pm - St. Anthony of Padua Leslie Geer
7:00 pm - All Saints Episcopal Gretchen Chateau (In person Room P202)
7:00 pm - St. Anna’s Monroe Tom Brown
7:00 pm - Our Lady of the Assumption Chris Thompson (Zoom only)
7:00 pm - St. Thomas More Joanna Brunson (Zoom only)
10:30 am - St. Clare's Episcopal Vernon & Mary Joyce Dixon
12:00 pm - Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Maggie Winfrey (Zoom only)
1:00 pm - St. Clement's Episcopal Church, Canton GA Dr. Diane Hodgins (In person in the church)
7:00 pm - St. Anna’s Catholic Tom Brown
7:00 pm - St. Julian's Douglasville Ken Hatcher (In person)
7:00 pm - St. Thomas Aquinas, Alpharetta Brian O'Shea (Zoom only)
11:00 am - Alpharetta Presbyterian Debbie Engler-Key
2:00 pm - Good Shepherd Episcopal, NC Vernon and Mary Joyce Dixon
9:00 am - St. Ann’s - Jo Anne Green (with Lectio Divina after Centering Prayer)
9:00 am - St. Mary & St. Martha Wendy Darrow Maddox
9:00 am - St. Anthony of Padua Leslie Geer
9:00 am - St. Thomas More, Decatur Joanna Brunson (In person)
10:00 am - St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Monroe, GA (In person, 1st & 3rd Saturdays) Fr. Rich Bardusch
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